Get Secure Cancellation Link
Enter your email address below (case sensitive) to get a secure link to cancel your membership.

Note: If you purchased our app through with the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, you must cancel your subscription there. - MEMBERS PORTAL
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E-post *
What is your reason for cancelling?
Are you sure you want to cancel? *
Please confirm that the email above is typed correctly, and is the same email used for your Ki Book Club subscription. (Note: If you pay through the Apple or Google stores, you must manage/cancel your subscription there. Thank you) *
***Please Note***
There is one step remaining after you submit.

Within one hour, you will receive an email with the final step towards cancellation.

You must click the confirmation link in the email to successfully cancel your account.

This measure is for your security and privacy, so that your account can only be accessed by you. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam and filters, wait one hour, and then email us at 

Thank you
I understand that to successfully cancel, I must click the link in the Cancellation email. *
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Formuläret skapades på KI Book Club LLC. Anmäl otillåten användning