PSA - Gun Usage Form
This form MUST be completed by every FIREARM certificate holder who uses one or more of his/her OWN guns at a Phoenix shoot.  It is a club rule, and it is required in order to comply with the Home Office Approval criteria.

  • This will form a record of the usage of each of your guns, and since the police have the power to partially revoke your certificate for a gun if you don’t use it much, it’s very much in your interest to ensure that the form is completed.

The Home Office require that all of the details be completed “as given in the member’s firearm certificate.":
Type – Rifle, pistol, etc
Calibre - eg  .22, .303, .38Sp.
Make – “Ruger” “Colt” “Enfield”
Serial No. – The serial number – yes, we know it’s a pain, but that’s what is required.

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