CBST Families with Children Chanukah Program 5784 Signup
It's time for Chanukah! We are opening up our Limmud b'Shabbat Chanukah Program on Saturday, December 9 to the entire CBST Families with Children community, so please join us as a family! This program is free of charge. Please see below for the schedule:
  • 11:30 am Chanukah-themed tefillah and story-telling in the Kuriel Chapel with Limmud Tefillah Leader Rachel Chang
  • 11:55 am Chanukah Trivia with Rabbi Werber
  • 12:15 pm Sufganiyot will be served, dreidels will be distributed
  • 12:30 pm Community-wide kiddish lunch
- Rabbi Yael Werber & Jules Rose, Families with Children Program Coordinator
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Parent / Caregiver 1 Name *
Parent / Caregiver 1 Pronouns *
Parent / Caregiver 1 Email *
Parent / Caregiver 2 Name
Parent / Caregiver 2 Email
Child 1 Name *
Child 1 Pronouns *
Child 1 Date of Birth *
Names and dates of birth of additional children who are attending
Names and relationships of additional adults who are attending (grandparents, etc)
Does someone in your group have dietary restrictions? If so, please list them below. *
CBST is thrilled to partner with PJ Library to offer your family the gift of free books that celebrate Jewish values and culture! Each child in your family, from newborn to 8 years old, can receive their own age-appropriate Jewish-themed book in the mail every month.
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If you selected yes to sign up for PJ Library, please provide your mailing address below, or type "N/A" if you aren't signing up at this time.
If you selected yes to sign up for PJ Library, please provide your phone number below, or type "N/A" if you aren't signing up at this time.
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