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Scroll down to the bottom to fill out our quick questionnaire or reach out directly to fisher (wo)man Sarah. 

Instagram: @copperriverfishmarket
mobile: (907) 253-9453
Copper River Fish Market’s wild Alaska seafood offerings are directly sourced and hand selected by fisher(wo)man and founder Sarah, who oversees every part of the process. 

Every fish is fully traceable to the independent small-boat fisher, the region where it was caught, and the gear type used. We provide an unbeatable origin guarantee.

We’re happy to work with restaurants, private chefs, food-buying clubs, and more. We especially love working with small businesses like ourselves. 

You’ll know with certainty that the seafood you serve is authentic and is produced with genuine regard for the health of natural ocean ecosystems and in support of independent small-boat fishing families.

We like to work closely with our clients. We want to be sure that we’re a good fit for each other and that we can surpass your expectations. 

After you fill out this request form, we will contact you to review the details. The more information you can provide now, the better we’ll be able to understand your unique circumstances and prepare before we reach out.  

If you’ve been searching for seafood produced in alignment with your ideals, you’ve found it!

Best Fishes, Sarah
Fisher(wo)man & Founder

** Please note that we do not provide product price lists outside of our fishing season. Our offerings vary based on fresh market pricing and customer-specific fulfillment criteria. During the fishing season, we can provide real-time and short-term quotes. Outside of the fishing season, we can only offer projections of anticipated pricing.

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What's your role or title? *
What's the name of your business? *
What city and and state are you located in? *
What type of business is it? *
What's your website url?
What's your Instagram handle, or FB if that's how you roll?
What's your preferred contact method? Please give your phone number here if that's your preference. *
Which Wild Alaska fish species/origins are you interested in? *
Which product style are you most interested in? *
Have you featured Copper River Salmon on your menu before?
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If yes, please share where you sourced it.
Is air-cargo airport pickup possible for you? 
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If yes, what is your preferred airport code? (Ex. JFK)
Do you need onsite delivery?
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How did you hear about Copper River Fish Market?
Do you have any questions or more information to share with us?
Thanks for taking the time to complete this inquiry form! 
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