Style Bundle Questionnaire
Tell me about yourself so I can create the perfect bundle for you! 
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Email *
Phone Number – optional! Just if you prefer text versus email :-)
PINTEREST BOARD – Input a link here so I can get a sense of your style!  *
How would you describe your style? *
Are you looking to challenge your current style, try something new, or bolster the closet you already have? *
What items are you most looking for? (Pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, tops, shoes, accessories?) *
What items (if any) do you NOT need? *
What occasion of clothing are you looking for? *
If you're comfortable, please let me know your waistband, hip, bust sizing, as well as what sizing you lean towards for various items (S,M,L, etc.) *
Do you like items to be more oversized or more fitted? You can specify based on item :-)  *
Thank you so much for trusting me, I'm so excited to shop for you! Please let me know any other comments, and I'll get to it! 
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