Treasure Hunt LJUBLJANA
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Your today's activity is LJUBLJANA - Treasure Hunt. You will be given a series of clues. Each clue leads you to a different part of Ljubljana. The clues are in the form of a picture, a map, a puzzle, a video tape... Correctly solved hint leads you to the next station to the finish line. 

The treasure hunt involves 15 challenges and it takes about 120 minutes to complete.

Good luck!

P.S: The answers should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS (example: HOUSE). They should be in English.

Danes boš odpotoval/a na LOV ZA SKRITIM ZAKLADOM po Ljubljani. S teboj bodo odšli vsi sodelujoči v projektu Reading for life. Pot bo zanimiva in polna dogodivščin. Verjamem, da boš pravilno rešil/a vse zastavljene naloge in prišel/a do cilja. Srečno!

Lov za skritim zakladom po Ljubljani vključuje 15 izzivov in bo trajal približno dve uri.


P.S. Rešitve piši z velikimi tiskanimi črkami (npr. HIŠA), v angleščini.

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