Steel City Codes Student Sign-Up Form
Welcome to the Steel City Codes Sign-up form!

What: Python and Java classes for students in grades 5
Where: Brazos Elementary PLC Room
When:  3:45 - 4:45 PM on Tuesdays, 1 hour classes
Courses Available: Intro to Python, Intro to Java, Intermediate Python, Intermediate Java
Cost: Free!

NOTE: If we have exceeded our student capacity, we will add you to a waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, you will be notified via email. If you are taken off the waitlist, we will also notify you via email.


About the Organization:
Steel City Codes aims to provide cost-free educational opportunities in computer science (CS) to all students of all backgrounds, with a focus on underprivileged and underrepresented students in the field.

Not all schools offer CS classes due to a lack of knowledge, funding, or resources in general. Because of this, students often lack exposure to CS and miss out on opportunities to learn or further pursue their interests in technology-based disciplines.

Steel City Codes was designed to fill this void and give students this exposure early on. Our main offerings include cost-free summer camps, after-school chapters, virtual workshops, and other opportunities that allow elementary and middle school students to gain proficiency in a variety of practical coding languages, including Python and Java.


Feel free to reach out to for more information or check out our website at
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