String Orchestra Workshop Day 2023
Have you ever fancied playing John Adams' iconic modern classic, Shaker Loops? This exhilarating score grew out of Minimalism but Adams later came to think of it as a vision of Shakers caught up in the ecstatic frenzy of a dance of physical and spiritual transcendence.

We still have places in all sections so you can sign up in during the first week in September

Come and join us for a day’s workshop:
  • Thursday 7th September
  • 10:30am start playing to finish by 4:30pm
  • St. Cyprian’s Church, Glentworth St, London, NW1 6AX
  • Bring a music stand and your lunch (or purchase from local retail outlets during lunch hour)
Registration Fee:  £45 for non-members of the orchestra to be paid by up to and including on the day....
Payment can be made by either:
  • bank transfer (preferable) to the Nonesuch Orchestra, sort code 09-01-55, account number 69778603 using payment reference surnameinstrument (e.g. Jonesviolin)
  • sending a cheque made payable to the Nonesuch Orchestra to:  Jeremy Bradshaw, 45 Priory Avenue, London, W4 1TZ

Please note that confirmation of places will take place w/c August 14th, although we’ve never turned anyone away.

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