Internet Access Survey Sept 2020
We know from our past experience how vital internet access is to ensure instruction in the event that schools are closed or students are unable to attend classes.  Please submit this survey to assist the district as we seek funding, advocate for increased community internet access, and planning how to distribute a limited number of cellular mobile hotspots IF NEEDED IN ORDER to continue instruction in the event of school closures.

ONE response per HOUSEHOLD is needed.

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Parent First name *
Parent Last name *
Parent email address
Parent phone number *
Indicate the number of students in your household that attend MES (grades K-4)
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List the names of your students at MES (first name, then last name)
Indicate the number of students in your household that attend MMS (grades 5-8)
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List the names of your students at MMS (first name, then last name)
Indicate the number of students in your household that attend MHS (grades 9-12)
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List the names of your students at MHS (first name, then last name)
Which best describes cellular service at your household? *
Which best describes access to home internet in your household? *
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