Prisma Cloud UTD Registration 
Hi all!

We will be hosting 3 separate Prisma Cloud Ultimate Test Drives (UTDs) sessions. Please select one of the following options: Each session will last approx. 2 Hours.

The Prisma Cloud Ultimate Test Drive, is your chance to get familiar & hands on with Prisma Cloud within an lab environment. We will provide a step by step guide that walks through through navigating various parts of the Prisma Cloud Console. The UTD will largely be self paced, but there will be an instructor to help you get setup and available to help guide and answer any questions along way. 

Session 1: September 15th 2023, 9:00am PST.  Registration Cutoff September 11th 

Session 2: October 13th 2023 , 1:00pm PST. Registration Cutoff October 9th

Session 3: November 13th 2023, 2:00pm PST. Registration Cutoff November 7th

If you have any question regarding the UTD please reach out to Kyle Moreta at

Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
Which session will you be attending?  *
S'enviarà un correu electrònic amb una còpia de la teva resposta a l'adreça que has proporcionat.
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