Available Property Form
Franklin Parish, Louisiana

Franklin Parish Economic Development (FPED) led by the Winnsboro Main Street Economic Committee (WMSEC) strives to provide data on available sites, buildings, and other property located within our parish including Winnsboro, Wisner, Baskin, Gilbert, and other surrounding areas.

Please complete the following form if you have a Building/Site available for purchase or lease in Franklin Parish, LA, and would like it to be shown on the FPED/WMSEC website.

Thank you for your time and interest. - FPED
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Please provide the full address (including city/state/zip code) for the property. *
Please check which type of property you are providing information for. *
Please select which type of property description best fits the property. *
Is the property within city limits? *
Is the property within an industrial park? *
Please list the Available Square Footage. *
Are there any additional acres for the property? *
If available for Lease, is it a multi-tenant building? *
If an existing building, what was the previous use? *
Please select the number of parking spaces available with the property. *
Please provide contact information for the property owner and/or realtor. (Phone number and email preferred) *
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