Writing Center Class Visit Request Form (Fall 2023)
Thank you for inviting the Writing Center to your class or meeting.

One of our consultants can visit your class and provide a 15-minute introduction to the Writing Center. We can visit via Zoom or in person. We’ll talk about what we do, different ways we can support writers, how to prepare (or not prepare!) for a session, and how to make appointments.
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Instructor's Name
TAMUC Email Address
Course Title & Number
If you'd prefer a face-to-face Class Visit, let us know where to find you.
Day(s) your class/organization meets
We currently don't offer Class Visits on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. If your course only meets one of those days, we'd be happy to work with your schedule. Explain in "Other."
Class Time
How many students are in your class?
What Days Work Best?
We ask you provide three options (in order of preference) for dates we can visit your class. 
First Choice for Date of Visit
We will come at the start time of your class unless you request something different below.
Second Choice for Date of Visit
We will come at the start time of your class unless you request something different below.
Third Choice for Date of Visit
We will come at the start time of your class unless you request something different below.
What kind of assignments do your students work on?
Do you have any requests or questions?
Requests could include coming during class or at the end of class, or covering a specific type of content or answering a specific question for your students. We do not at this time offer Class Visits that cover topics beyond an introduction to the Writing Center, but we can tailor our introduction specifically for your class.
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