11 Biology -19 Excretory Products and their Elimination: Online Test
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Developed by Dr. Abhijit Saha, Training Associate (Biology) ZIET Bhubaneswar
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The following substances are the excretory products in animals. Choose the least toxic form among them. *
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Which of the following statements is incorrect? *
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A large quantity of one of the following is removed from our body by lungs. *
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Presence of blood in urine, is called *
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A man takes large amount of proteins. He is likely to excrete greater amount of *
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Loop of Henle is meant for the absorption of *
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Green glands present in some arthropods help in *
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The liquid which collects in the cavity of Bowman's capsule, is *
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Excretion of bile pigments in urine, indicates *
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A person is undergoing prolonged fasting. His urine will be found to contain abnormal quantities of *
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Angiotensinogen is a protein produced and secreted by *
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A fall in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) activates *
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Silt-pores are present in the *
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Glycosuria refers to *
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Which of the following set is not correct? *
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Haemodialysis helps the patient having *
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The excretory waste of birds and reptiles, is *
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RAAS involves which of the following hormones? *
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Sodium reabsorption from the distal tubule will be increased if there is an increase in *
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The part of nephron impermeable to salts, is *
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