Booking Request Form
Fill out this form to request a performance, speaking engagement or DJ set by TheoryMC. Please use the services page to request all other services. Leave as much detail as possible.
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Enter your full name *
Are you a company, organization, church or non-profit or other? *
Enter your website:
Phone number
Email address
Budget (USD) *
Description of your event. Please offer as much detail as possible. *
By submitting this form, you give us consent to add you to our email list for future performance, DJing or speaking engagement opportunities. Please do not submit Debit or Credit Cards or any other type of banking information including Bitcoin, PayPal, Cash App or Zelle. All financials will be discussed in conversations or interactions post submission of this form.  The information you're submitting goes directly to TheoryMC LLC, not affiliates or third parties and will be secure provided technology by Google who is unaffiliated with TheoryMC LLC. All rights reserved.
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