Lightning Talk 2025 Signup
We welcome presentations on any geospatial related topic! We are especially interested in presentations that show GIS in Action, tell inspiring stories of your use of geospatial technology, or offer tips and tricks for improving workflows. But don't let that stop you - any presentation* that benefits the GIS Community at large is welcome! Anyone can be a presenter - no membership or gender requirement. 

**Note: presentations that promote a commercial product or service (e.g. "sales pitches" are NOT allowed)

Lightning talks take place at 12 PM Pacific Time on the 1st Friday of every month and are open to the public! They are held over Zoom so you can attend and present from anywhere with an Internet connection. 

Use the form below to get on the list to present for one (or more) of our First Friday Lightning Talks. Once you sign up, consider yourself on the list and be ready to present on the selected First Friday. We will contact you prior to the event with additional details. Note: if you are unable to attend at the designated day/time we welcome recorded talks. Please indicate your preference on the form below.
  • Lightning talks must be 10 minutes or less
  • Talks should be related to the month's theme (how you interpret it is up to you) and appeal to a geospatial audience
  • Talks are NOT sales pitches
  • To ensure you get meeting reminders, be sure to also register on our website as an attendee
  • Open to anyone regardless of gender
  • Membership in WiGIS is not required, these monthly events are free
Need help getting started with a Lightning Talk presentation? Check out this guide for tips and best practices for presenting a Lightning Talk.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
What country are you located in? (e.g. U.S., India, Canada, etc.) *
What Organization are you representing? (if none, just add "self") *
Brief Presenter Introductory Bio
Provide a brief, 1-3 sentence bio that the facilitator will use to introduce you. Because you are giving a 7-10 minute lightning talk, this should be as brief as possible to ensure there is enough time for your presentation. The WiGIS facilitator may edit your bio for length if necessary. 
In which month would you like to present? (Please submit a second response if you wish to present at multiple months) *
Brief Title of Talk
Description of the lightning talk *
Please be as concise as possible.
Do you consent to your presentation being recorded for our Women in GIS YouTube Channel?
If no, we will either pause the recording during your presentation or edit it out before publishing.
Would you like to present live or provide a recorded presentation? *
Attendance is not required when providing a pre-recorded presentation. You are, of course, welcome to attend the live event to answer any questions. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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