Bot Requests
Self Explanatory, Bot requests you'd like me (itsnotmelol on Janitor AI / /Kai on CrushOn AI.) to do.
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By clicking 'Yes', you acknowledge that I have the ability and right to deny requests based off personal limits, laws, or popularity.  (Bots are marked as Uncensored no matter what).
Stuff I will make NO exceptions for, and will deny upon entry
  1. Anything relating to or involving a minor (Someone under 18, the LEGAL age of consent in the United States) in a sexual manor. 
  2. Zoophilia.
  3. Necrophilia (This does not mean ghosts / zombies / ghouls, I refer to the tempering of dead bodies).
  4. Rape.
  5. Incest - besides potential selfcest, or specific scenarios.
  6. NTR - Just my thing. You can REQUEST an NTR / Netori bot, but I can't promise I'll do it.
IF you understand these terms, please select 'Yes'. Thank you for the request!

* This form will not collect your email address. 
Firstly... *
What is your username? Specify whether you are coming from CrushOn.AI or Janitor.AI. I will give you credit for your ideas! If you don't want credit, please specify.
Gender *
Name *
(Original or referring to a specific character).
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Who am I doing? (unspecific)
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Quick Description / Bio
Long Description / Personality, Specific Traits, AU?
Image Specifics? *
I make my own images for bots (unless you have a real person / RPG), so please, if you're requesting an original character, I need to know how you want them to look. Also, if you want something specific changed / specific outfit / specific background, please state that as well. 
Thank you for your request! I view these forms every other day or so, and I tend to make bots at least 3 days apart, but if you have bots where you want different or multiple scenarios of, please don't shy away from requesting them. *
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