Ladies Virtual Prayer Retreat Registration
This year's Maranatha Chapel Ladies Prayer Retreat will be on Zoom. We all have Prayer Matters we bring before the Lord because we know... Prayer Matters!

Save the dates:
Friday Night, January 29 from 7:00 to 8:30pm and
Saturday Morning, January 30th from 9:00 to 10:30am

*This event is free!*

Our special guest will be Shannon Bryant of Prayer Matters Ministeries. Shannon and her husband are a part of the English Congregation. She has a powerful presentation of the Transforming Power of Persevering and Believing Prayer!

Shannon has written a book titled:
  "Prayer Matters:
     The Transforming Power of Persevering and Believing Prayer"

She will be encouraging us in our prayer life. Join us for our Zoom Ladies Prayer Retreat!

We invite you to order her book on Amazon:
- Kindle for $3.99 
- Paperback for $10.99
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We have notes of the retreat available in Spanish and Arabic. Please select if you would like those ahead of time & if so, in the language you prefer: *
If you need a copy of the notes in a different language, what is the best EMAIL for us to send the notes to you at?
**IMPORTANT: Please be sure to put the correct e-mail address above, we will send the Zoom information for the Virtual Retreat to you there! This information will be sent to your email the day before on Thursday, the 28th!**
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