Application to Business Education Steeped in the Liberal Arts (BESLA)
We appreciate your interest in the BESLA program.  For consideration, please complete the following form and submit your application by Friday, March 21, 2025 at 4:30pm.  Acceptance decisions will be communicated by April 4, 2025. 

This application questionnaire emphasizes the reasons for your interest in the BESLA program as well as your unique experiences, skills, talents, and aspirations. The BESLA program is designed for students who are committed to deep study and discussions of business and its role in society, of the integration of the study of the business and the liberal arts to inform and support aspirations for cultivating meaningful lives and contribution to the common good. 

In your application, it is important that you speak specifically to your alignment with BESLA's goals, activities, and objectives.  In order to prepare your application, you can learn more about our program here and can always reach out to one of the BESLA Co-Direcgtors Dr. Amanda Baugous or Dr. Jason Mahn.  

1. Enrollment in Business Program: Major in Business Administration or International Business and/or Minor  in Not for Profit Leadership Development and/or Entrepreneurial Studies

2. Enrollment in non-Business Program*: A major or minor outside of Business Administration or International Business program [Intention to declare is sufficient for your application.  If accepted into the BESLA program, confirmation of enrollment in both a Business program and a non-Business program will be required to remain in the program]

Important Note: One goal of the BESLA program is to ensure the program includes students from across the broad disciplinary offerings at Augustana.

3. Faculty or staff reference: Someone on Augustana's faculty or staff who would be willing to speak on your interest in the program and your abilities to contribute to and benefit from the program.  A recommendation letter is unnecessary but you will need to include their contact information in this application. You should also let them know you have shared their contact information and discuss your interest in the BESLA program with them before you submit your application.

This form requires a sign-in but will allow you to edit your responses until the deadline. Applications will be considered final after the deadline has passed. The length estimates on each question are meant as rough guidelines. We care that your answers are clear, concise, creative, and thoughtful, not that they hit a certain word count.

If you have questions, please contact the directors of the BESLA Program, Dr. Amanda Baugous or Dr. Jason Mahn.
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