MeLSA Training Application 2023
Please complete this form to apply for and secure your place(s) on the MeLSA Training that is taking place during Terms 1 & 2 of the 2023-24 academic year, delivered by Bath and North East Somerset Educational Psychology Service to schools and settings in Bath and North East Somerset.
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Email *
Name of school / setting *
Name and role of the person completing this form *
Email address of the person completing this form *
How many MeLSAs will be on this course from your setting (how many you want to train) *
Name(s) and email address(es) of the MeLSA(s) to be trained (if known) *
Name(s) and email address(es) of the MeLSA(s) Line Manager(s) (if known) *
Please include here any relevant information or contact details about payments for your school / setting (we will be in touch in due course with arrangements for payments) *
Is there any further information that you need to make us aware of?
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