Gold Sheet 2022 - Funding and Volunteer Information
Due Date: Friday, January 13, 2023

This report covers the time period: 1/1/22 to 12/31/22

Purpose: To document contributions made in both funding and volunteer time by non-federal entities by trail. This helps demonstrate what the federal investment in the National Trails System leverages in other sectors. The data helps us to advocate for federal funding for your trail and the National Trails System during Hike the Hill and beyond.

- Please answer questions that are relevant to your trail.
- If a question is not applicable or you do not track the information requested, leave the cell blank.
- We understand some responses will be estimates. Please respond as accurately as possible.
- To the best of your ability, please use numerals unless otherwise noted.

An Excel workbook containing a template for this report is available through the PNTS website. It will be emailed to the Trail Leaders Council contact person for your Trail as well. We suggest you collect your responses in that document and then cut and paste your responses into this form.

Do not submit the workbook instead of this Google form. The workbook is provided for your convenience, not to be submitted.

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E-mail *
First and Last Name  *
Trail Name *
Trail Organization Name
Names of any other organizations, non-profits, government agencies that you reached out to gather information for this report. (Optional)
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