2. Konferenca gledališča zatiranih, prijavni obrazec / Registration, 2nd Conference of TO
Udeležba na teoretičnem delu konference (predstavitve prispevkov) je brezplačna. Zaradi omejenega števila mest prosimo, da izpolnite spodnji obrazec.

Prijave so obvezne za udeležbo na delavnicah. Cena posamične delavnice je 15,00 EUR.
Prijava na delavnico se šteje kot veljavna, ko nakažete prijavnino na transakcijski račun:
Kulturno umetniško društvo Transformator
Glinškova ploščad 10
1000 Ljubljana
TRR: SI56 1914 0501 0048 191
Namen: "Plačilo (IME DELAVNICE), (vaše IME PRIIMEK)"

Račun prejmete na e-mail, ko bo plačilo uspešno izvedeno.

Za obisk konference boste potrebovali veljavno potrdilo o izpolnjevanju pogoja PCT.
Prosimo, da na dogodek pridete zdravi, imate masko in se na splošno držite priporočil NIJZ.

Osebne podatke zbiramo samo za namen beleženja rezervacij, e-mail naslove pa za komuniciranje z vami glede sprememb programa, ter posredovanje potrdil o udeležbi.

Participation in the theoretical part of the conference (article presentations) is free. Due to the limited number of places, please fill out the form below.

Registration is required to participate in the workshops. The price of an individual workshop is 15.00 EUR.
The registration for the workshop is considered valid when you transfer the registration fee to the transaction account:
Kulturno umetniško društvo Transformator
Glinškova ploščad 10
1000 Ljubljana
Bank account number: SI56 1914 0501 0048 191
Purpose: "Payment (WORKSHOP NAME), (your NAME SURNAME)"

You will receive an invoice by e-mail when the payment is successfully completed.

You will need a valid RVT certificate to attend the conference.
Please come to the event only if healthy, wear a mask and follow the general hygienic recommendations regarding covid-19.

We collect personal data only for the purpose of recording reservations, and e-mail addresses for communicating with you regarding changes to the program, and providing certificates of participation.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Ime / Name *
Priimek / Surname *
Kdaj pridete na konferenco? (izberete lahko oba ali samo en dan) / When are you coming to the conference? (you can choose both or only one day) *
Ali želite prejeti potrdilo o udeležbi na konferenci? (Potrdilo boste po konferenci prejeli na e-mail.) / Do you want to receive a certificate of attendance at the conference? (You will receive the document via e-mail after the conference.) *
Katere delavnice se nameravate udeležiti v četrtek, 11. 11. 2021? /  Which workshop do you want to attend on Thursday, 11 Nov 2021? *
Katere delavnice se nameravate udeležiti v petek, 12. 11. 2021? (Delavnici potekata vzporedno, zato lahko izberete samo eno) / Which workshop do you want to attend on Friday, 12 Nov 2021? *
Želim biti obveščen_a kdaj in kje se dogaja alternativni teater in se zato prijavljam na Glasnico, ki mesečno obvešča o Transformatorjevih dogodkih in iniciativah organizacij z enakim poslanstvom. [GDPR] Strinjam se, da KUD Transformator hrani, dostopa in uporablja moje osebne podatke, ki sem jih navedel_a v tem obrazcu. (Podatki bodo izbrisani, ko jih ne bomo več potrebovali ali ko se odjaviš). / I want to be informed when and where alternative theatre takes place, so I sign up for Glasnica, which informs monthly about Transformator's events and initiatives of organizations with the same mission. [GDPR] I agree that KUD Transformator stores, accesses and uses my personal information that I have provided in this form. (Data will be deleted when we no longer need it or when you unsubscribe). *
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