Spatial Justice Network
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Your full name (first + family name)
Your affiliation (the name of the institution, school, or company you are affiliated to)
Your title or position in the institution or company.
Please indicate one or more areas of interest
What's a short definition of spatial justice you use in your research or practice? Please provide a source if that's the case. *
How do you assess spatial justice? Do you have ideas about indicators or methods to assess it? 
At TU Delft, we focus on three dimensions of spatial justice: distributive, procedural and recognition. Do you recognise other dimensions or aspects of spatial justice that should be given more attention to? 
 How do you use Spatial Justice in your pedagogy or practice? (max. 250 words)
 Can you share three main resources you use (papers, books, YouTube videos, etc) to discuss Spatial Justice?
 Do you agree to share your basic information (name, institution, e-mail address, answers to our survey) with the rest of network publicly on our website?
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