Coast to Coast Online Qualifier #1
Registration Form for QUALIFIER 1 ONLY
Mailadresse *
First and Last Name *
Lichess Username *
By registering for this event, you are agreeing to adhere to a Fair Play code of conduct by not using any type of outside assistance. You also acknowledge that the tournament committee can disqualify anyone for any activity deemed to be cheating or suspicious. *
Once you submit this form please etransfer your $20 entry fee. Make the question your full name and lichess username, and make the answer "NSchess". Failing to do this will result in the transfer being declined. Once you have sent your entry fee, please request to join the lichess team ( Once I verify your payment, I will allow you access to the team and you can then join the tournament ( *
En kopi af dine svar sendes som mail til den mailadresse, du har angivet.
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