*** This form must be completed before the start of each ride *** 

A youth rider under 18 years old must have this form completed and be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult acting as loco parentis (CSH member or guest).

I understand that: 

  • Children/young persons must wear a properly fitting cycle helmet and ride a road worthy bike.
  • I am responsible for ensuring the ride/event is suited regarding the ability and experience of my child/young person. 
  • My child/young person will likely be cycling with other adults/children unless prior arrangements have been made with the Ride Leader. 
  • In the event of accident, the Ride Leader might act in loco parentis to administer emergency first-aid. 
  • Cycle Seahaven do not offer ride programs specifically aimed for children/young persons, and Ride Leaders do not undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service check.
  • Cycle Seahaven occasionally take photographs for publication in the Club Newsletter and website, and that my child might be included in a photograph. If I have concerns regarding this I will let the Ride Leader know beforehand.
  • By completing this form I am agreeing these details can be passed to the Ride Leader who may contact me for any necessary discussion beforehand. 

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Full name & title of adult giving consent *
If a CSH member please give membership number. 
If a Non-Member please give address & telephone number.
Email Address  *
Relationship to youth *
Name of youth guest rider *
Age of youth guest rider *
Previous riding experience  *
Ride date
Name of Ride Leader *

I acknowledge & accept my Guest Youth is participating in Cycle Seahaven rides/events under my supervision & at own risk, as neither Cycle Seahaven nor event organisers shall be liable for loss or damage caused to my Guest Youth or their possessions. I understand that Cycle Seahaven, its members, agents and other participants occasionally take photographs for club publication purposes only but any identifiable photographs will not be published without parental consent.

 Your supplied information will be held for a 3 year period before deletion,  used only for Cycle Seahaven guest purpose, and not passed to any other organisation without your permission. A copy of Cycle Seahaven’s Privacy Policy can be viewed on our website under Policies & Documents.
(Revised March 2024)
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