Your feedback on virtual connection
With in-person meetings suspended through October due to COVID concerns, we're hoping to hear what you'd appreciate from our virtual services. Thank you in advance for your feedback! -The OUT MetroWest Team
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I am a... *
Have you/your child attended an OUT MetroWest virtual meeting? *
Which virtual meetings have you/your child attended? *
I'd be most likely to attend a virtual meeting if the topic or activity were...
My favorite OUT MetroWest meetings are...
Structured (e.g. a lesson, guest presenter, or planned activity)
Casual (e.g. choose your own activity, open discussion)
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I (or my child) would be interested in receiving a care package from OUT MetroWest. *
The best care package would include items like...
Any other suggestions on how to build community while in-person gatherings are limited? (If you've attended good virtual events elsewhere, please tell us what made them special!)
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