Taiyaari Jeet Ki  Episode - 6
Amar's Classes For English || Mirganj, Begusarai, G.D. College Road, Near Mamta Hotel || Call On : 9570589502
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English VVI MCQS | By Amar Sir
1. Chinua Achebe is an.......novelist. *
1 point
2. Who among the following is called the "People's Poet" ? *
1 point
3. The poet who was born in American but settled in England was__ *
1 point
4.  Choose among the options the expression John Keats used in "Ode to Autumn' season of mists and....... *
1 point
5. "India had always been part of the background of my life" Who makes this statement ? *
1 point
6. Which among the following is a Sonnet ? *
1 point
7. The poem written by D. H. Lawrence is- *
1 point
8. Who wrote the story " The Artist" *
1 point
9. Macavity: The Mystery Cat" is a ......poem *
1 point
10. The word " granary" is related to _____ *
1 point
11. The word 'detach' is related to - *
1 point
12. Bertrand Russell talks about the human beings' lack of ........protection against cold. *
1 point
13. The study of human race is called...... *
1 point
14. Martin Luther King talks about segregation and discrimination of - *
1 point
15. Who among the following is an Indo-Anglian poet? *
1 point
16. Who among the following talks about India? *
1 point
17. Who among the following is a Metaphysical poet? *
1 point
18. A Sonnet is a poem of ......lines *
1 point
19. The increase in........helped man to protect himself against the adversities of nature. *
1 point
20. Martin Luther King, Jr believed in ...... *
1 point
21. Who among the following writers was also a mathematician? *
1 point
22. Latin was a world language about .....years ago. *
1 point
23. Kamala Das wrote in English and ........ *
1 point
24. "Hamlet" and "Othello" are written by...... *
1 point
25. "Nissim Ezekiel" is a well known .......poet *
1 point
26. "And immediately I regretted" is a line from.... *
1 point
27. My Grandmother's House" published in..... *
1 point
28. Who doesn't see people for weeks...... *
1 point
29. "The Descendants" is a collection of poems by.... *
1 point
30. Seibei could walk from one end of the town to another in....... *
1 point
31. Benjy left his......on the pavement *
1 point
32. Benjy's father valued...... *
1 point
33. " And gathering swallows twitter in the sky" is taken  from...... *
1 point
34. The poet in " The Soldier" is depicting the miseries of....... *
1 point
35. The voice of my education said to me "He must be killed" these lines are taken from.... *
1 point
36. ......waterfalls could bless the travellers passing through that way *
1 point
37. My Grandmother's House published in.... *
1 point
38. Roister and Doister is the first real.....drama *
1 point
39. The thing of ......for John Keats is a joy forever *
1 point
40. "Bharat is my home" is a........... *
1 point
कुछ पाने की आस तो रख, कुछ तो अरमान रख 
जो हो खास, हर कोशिश में करे दरिया तू आर पार।
By Amar's Classes for English
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