Application form TC "RADIO FREEMOTION"
This is an application form through which you can apply for Erasmus+ KA1 Training Course in Croatia.

Dates: 10/09/2021 - 20/09/2021
Venue: Zagreb, Croatia

Hope to see you there!
YoWo Poland Team
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
First name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Date of birth *
Country and city you will be traveling from *
Phone number *
Email *
Occupation *
Your facebook profile link (to get an invitation to join the facebook group) *
Level of english *
Special diets and needs *
vegetarian, vegan, other diets, allergies, needs, physical limitations
Contact person in case of emergency *
Name, phone, email
How many international exchanges, trainings courses or voluntary programmes have you participated in? *
Please briefly describe your experience in working with youth or how you see yourself working with youth in the future. *
What would you like to learn, understand and experience during the project? *
What contributions do you think you can bring to this Training Course? *
How are you going to use the skills gained during the project? How do you imagine to share the knowledge and disseminate the results? *
If you had a superpower, what would it be? *
Free space
You can state here any other information, you would like to share, which you consider relevant for the activity - studies, hobbies, civil society involvement, life experience, personal interests, you think is relevant to the activity and you would like to mention.
By submitting this application, I confirm that I have read and understood the Infopack; I know and accept the conditions of participation and reimbursement. I also agree that YoWo Poland will store and use my personal data stated in this application for purposes of project administration. *
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