2023 C.D. Gorri's NSFW Coloring Book Order Form
Seasons Greetings!

For a couple of reasons, the main being why not, I went ahead and commissioned some naughty art work based on my books, then i put that together and created a fun, smexy, adult coloring book for you all!
It's 36 pages of coloring fun because sometimes a girl just wants to have some fun, and sometimes she wants DONGS!

Art work includes images of couples engaged in smexy times, dragons, wolves, quotes form books, and of course, DONGS!

I accept PayPal or Venmo for payments. 

Please allow 2-3 weeks for orders to be printed and shipped. 

*Add cd@cdgorri.com to your email contacts so my email does not get lost in SPAM/JUNK folder.
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