CS184 Lost Section Feedback & Suggestions

I am administering this survey to learn more about your interests and learning experiences so that I can design an inclusive learning environment. One of my main goals is to understand your interests and what has supported your success. My goal is to take this information to improve my teaching so that I can support your learning and everyone’s learning in this classroom. I am asking all of my students these questions and anyone can answer whichever questions they are comfortable asking. Your responses will not affect course grades and you may choose not to answer or skip any questions.

We are always looking for ideas on how to improve our Lost Section. Please leave any feedback, suggestions, criticisms, and/or complaints in this form. The responses are be anonymous, and will not be shared with anyone outside of course staff.

Here are the questions below:
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Feedback, suggestions, criticisms, and/or complaints *
What kind of content do you think would be helpful in this section? (please select all that apply; and select at least one)
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