Small Group Sessions
$45/session (charged monthly)
@ Warwick Academy Gym
Sessions will be approx. 45 - 60 mins
Start date TBD


These sessions will be programmed monthly and progressed week to week/month to month. This will not be random workouts or HIIT training circuits where we do something new or different every week. There will be progressions and regressions of every exercise available so we can accommodate different levels and training ages. All participants will get access to Teambuildr app to keep track of training progress, weights used, etc. (not mandatory but highly recommended).

Example workout structure:

Warm-up/foam roll/stretch/mobility

A) Upper/lower-body power (if able)

B1) Upper Push
B2) Lower (squat variation)
B3) Trunk stability/anti-rotation

C1) Upper Pull
C2) Lower (hinge variation)
C3) Trunk stability/anti-extension

D) Accessory work

First 2-weeks will only be $10/session for anyone that joins (no risk, cancel anytime if not right fit for you)
First 2-weeks FREE if you sign up with a friend/refer someone who signs up

Spots will be very limited!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Training Goals
Do you have any prior gym experience?
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Any injuries I should be aware of (past or present)?
I want to train 
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Session days/times possibilities (Check all that you could make)
Other days/times you could train if none of the above work?
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