Spay Our Strays Surgery Consent Form
Please read the TNR Participation Protocol before filling out this form for SOS services.

If you have questions, please reach out to

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First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Your Full Address *
Cat Colony Address (& Business Name if applicable (ex. Shell Gas Station) *
The cats that I am bringing to clinic are unowned strays.
I understand the risks all animals face when undergoing anesthesia and hold SOS and its clinic partners blameless should a cat not survive surgery or experience complications afterward. Any cat that has an allergic reaction or is deemed by the veterinarian to be fatally ill or fatally injured may be humanely euthanized.
I will not keep this cat in the trap beyond 48 hours prior to surgery. I will ensure the cat is fed, watered, and completely covered with a towel/blanket while in the trap. I will only put a pee pad in the trap, no other cloth.
I will return these cats to the location from which they were taken following recuperation. I also agree to provide these cats with warm dry shelter, food, and water for at least 24 hours after surgery until their release.
I will ensure these cats receive food, water, shelter, and necessary veterinary care for the remainder of their lives. I will request assistance from SOS if needed.
I understand that veterinary records are not provided.
List your preferred clinic dates if one has not been assigned to you yet.

Clinics are every Monday and Wednesday, though we can accommodate other weekdays if needed. You may drop-off at a volunteer's house in Lexington at either 7:15am the morning of or 6:30pm the evening before clinic. 
Number of cats for this appointment *
Cat(s) description (ex. short-hair tabby, long-hair tortie) *
SOS Trap Number (if applicable)
By typing your first and last name here, you agree to e-sign and consent to this form: *
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