Pleasure Toy Workshop Application 
Please complete this form as an application for my Pleasure Toy workshop.
The Application will help me to get to know your group and provides vital info to design the right workshop for your goals.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email at
I m looking forward to connecting with you.
With love & pleasure, Pleasure Toy Queen Patricia
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Email *
Full Name *
Email *
Phone/mobile number  *
Date of birth
Are you aware that the location to attend the service is in the Redcliffe, QLD area? Exact address will be shared once the workshop is confirmed. *
If you require a different location, please provide more details here.
What days and times are you requesting? Please note my current availabilities as follows (QLD time zone):
Weekdays 9am to 2pm
Saturdays 3pm to Sundays 4pm
How many people will be attending the workshop?
Will everyone attending be over the age of 18 years (adults/majorities)?
Please specify what main topics you would like to focus on for the pleasure toy workshop:
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Please specify any of the above if you know exactly what you are after (eg. if you marked "kinky tools" - any specific tools?)
What is the pleasure toy level of the group?
What is your goal for the workshop?
Is there anything else you would like me to know?
Where did you find Patricia & her services?
Do you understand that you are required to pay the workshop fee in full prior to the worshop? Basic workshop rate, additional costs may apply.
Redcliffe location: $600 (incl. light snacks and non-alcoholic drinks)
Your location: $550 plus travel costs & time (you are required for the set-up)
Online: $500
A $200 deposit is required to secure the agreed date & time. The rest is due latest 2 weeks prior to the workshop. 
I agree that I m at least 18 years of age & that I have read, understood and agree with the Terms and conditions as listed on *
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