Shelli Anderson Legacy Award for Excellence in School Law
The Shelli Anderson Legacy Award for Excellence in School Law is presented annually to an education law attorney for their exceptional dedication and service to their school district clients. This individual serves as an example, through their record of exceptional leadership and dedication, of excellence in the practice of law; shows exceptional dedication to their profession and clients through excellent communication, timely responses and support, and the highest level of service; has contributed significantly to their clients' organization; is forward thinking with training and support for human resource leaders that is above and beyond the norm.

Nominations are open to all educational law attorneys whose firms are IASPA Law Firm Partners, as nominated by an IASPA member. The winner, an educational law attorney, will be recognized at the annual conference in memory of Shelli Anderson, FRANCZEK attorney, long-time supporter of IASPA, renown educational law presenter, and the ultimate professional in the field of educational law.
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Nominee (First & Last Name) *
Nominee Email *
Nominee Phone Number *
Nominee Title *
Nominee Law Firm *
Evidence of nominee's professional leadership and service to clients:
Evidence of nominee's contribution to client's organization and success:
Evidence of nominee's service to IASPA and others:
Additional comments about the nominee:
Nominated by (Name, Position & District)
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