Institute Input for US future e+e- colliders PED: Muon Detector & Gaseous Detector (MDGD) R&D
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Section 1:  Group Information
1.1 Name *
1.2 Institution & PI name *
1.3 Brief summary of current group composition (number of faculty/scientists, post docs, students, engineers, technicians, etc) and activity (current experiment(s))
1.4 Any notes on group?
Section 2: Current or planned future e+e- colliders detector-related R&D Activities
2.1 Please list e+e- colliders detector-related R&D activities in which your group is currently engaged. For each activity, please include (a) FTE levels separately for faculty/scientists, post docs, students, senior engineer, junior engineer, technicians and (b) international and US collaborators. *
2.2 Please list e+e- colliders detector--related R&D activities on MDGD in which your group plans to engage in the future, including expected group increase.    

For each activity, please include (a) FTE levels with a rough time profile separately for faculty/scientists, post docs, students, senior engineer, junior engineer, technicians; (b) international and US collaborators; and (c) potential synergies with R&D not directly applicable to e+e- colliders. (Assume you are able to hire and/or move people when estimating FTE-level time profile.)
2.3 Please list specific required major equipment, capabilities, facilities, or laboratory access relevant for your current or planned e+e- colliders detector--related R&D activities. *
2.4 Are you currently engaging with the ECFA DRD1 working group regarding your R&D activities?  If so, please include notes on your activities, responsibilities, etc within DRD1.
Section 3: General Questions
3.1 Please let us know your thoughts on specific MDGD R&D areas on which the US should focus.
3.2 Do you have any concerns or questions regarding the process for creating the US e+e- colliders detector proposal to P5?
3.3 Does your primary area of research interest have overlap with other R&D areas/future colliders? If so, which ones?
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