Application form - Classical drawing - Sörängens Folkhögskola
Personal data
Name: *
Birth date (yy/mm/dd) *
Adress: *
Phone number: *
E-mail: *
Food and accommodation
Accomodation *
 I want special food (food allergies, gluten, lactose and so on), please specify:
I want vegan or vegetarian food, please specify:
Application and cancellation policy
We only have a restricted number of entries to the course, "first come, first served" - principle is applied.

You will receive an email if you have been selected and you will have one week to confirm your entry. When you have confirmed your entry, your entry is legally binding.

Cancellations before 15th of May are free of charge. If you need to cancel after 15th of May, you pay the full course cost.

If the course has to few applications we might need to cancel the course.
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