Experience and opinion for the game.
What's your Reddit User Name or Discord #1111 *
AGE? *
Have you played Pathfinder 2E before?:
If yes, what do you think is the coolest or enjoyable aspect of Pathfinder 2E?
Have you heard of/or played Red Hand of Doom?
Have you used Foundry VTT before? *
What are your expectations for the campaign?
What do you look for in a good DM?
Assuming you've played ttrpgs before, What's one of your favorite memories from a previous game?
What do you think can ruin your immersion or downright make the game unenjoyable for you? (Trigger Warnings, Pet Peeves, Etc)
What's your Character Idea?


Backstory? Whether it's one paragraph or one page. Express yourself, What's your story?
Which of these player types fits you best.(You can choose more then one.)

Actor - Emphasizes character development that has nothing to do with numbers and powers, trying to make their character seem to be a real person in the fantasy world. Enjoys interacting with the rest of the group, with characters and monsters in the game world

Explorer - Loves to see new places in the fantasy world and to meet the residents of such places, fair and foul.
Watcher - Casual Player, wants to enjoy the company and social interaction. Doesn't really care if immersed, and wants to enjoy the company.

Storyteller - Prefers the narrative of the game to individual character motivations and personality. This player sees the game as an ongoing chronicle of events in the fantasy world, and wants to see where the tale goes, while putting adding their own mythos to it.

Thinker - Makes careful choices, reflecting on challenges and the best way to overcome them. Enjoys planning results in success with minimal risk and use of resources. Solving a challenge in a creative way is more important to the thinker than character power or roleplaying issues.
The game will be $20 per session.
Will you be able to attend weekly and consistently? 
Is there anything else you’d like to share or think I should know?
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