Virtual Library Survey
The following survey is REQUIRED to enhance the Leonard S. Washington Memorial Library and it's operations to maintain accreditation.  Your input is greatly needed.  If have any questions, please give us a call at 504-286-5225
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
What is your classification?
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Which college are you affiliated with? *
If you are a student, are you graduating this semester?
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Do you have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account?
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Do you follow us on social media @SUNOLibrary?
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Have you ever been on a library tour?
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 Prior to campus closure due to COVID-19, how often did you physically use the library?
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How often do you visit SUNO Library's website?
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How would you describe the quality of the information you find through the library? (Example: textbooks, pamphlets, handouts, etc.)
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How would you rate the quality of the content in the library? (Example: books, journals, databases, devices, etc.)
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How would you rate the quality of the services you receive from the library? (Example: instruction, reference, workshops, etc.)      
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What is your most common use of the library?
Do you feel that the library is open adequate hours to meet your needs?
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If no, what times would you use the library?
What services would you like to see the library offer? Check off as many as you like.
What types of programs and activities would you like to see the library offer virtually? Please describe.
What types of campus-based programs and activities would you like to see in the library? Please describe.
Do you  have additional comments? Please type below.
If you would like to be included in the raffle for a prize or would like someone from the library to address any of your concerns, please provide your name and contact information (email or phone number.)
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