Meal Order Form for Virtual & Distance Learners
Commerce Public Schools are planning to provide meals for virtual and distance learning students. Parents/students may drive-by or walk-up pickup "grab and go" breakfast and/or lunch meals from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The price of the meals will be determined by category, free, reduced, or full price. This schedule for meal service will begin on Monday, August 24, 2020 and continue as long as we have a COVID-19 Orange Level 1 risk.

All students will be virtual or distance learners on Wednesday. Please refer to the order form for service locations and times.

Please answer the following questions to assist us in our food preparation. We ask that you help us by insuring that your family only submits this form one time.

If you need to remove your student(s) from the list at a later time, please call Heather at the central office at 918-675-4316 or email
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Please help us eliminate duplication by voluntarily providing your name.
Which schedule are your students on? *
Number of breakfast meals needed on Monday, if virtual learning or distance learning (Group B)?
Number of lunch meals needed on Monday, if virtual learning or distance learning (Group B)?
Number of breakfast meals needed on Tuesday, if virtual learning or distance learning (Group B)?
Number of lunch meals needed on Tuesday, if virtual learning or distance learning (Group B)?
Where will you be picking up your meals on Monday & Tuesday if virtual learning or distance learning (Group B)?
Number of breakfast meals needed on Wednesday. All students will be virtual learning or distance learning?
Number of lunch meals needed on Wednesday. All students will be virtual learning or distance learning?
Location where you will pickup your meals on Wednesday?
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Number of breakfast meals needed on Thursday, if virtual learning or distance learning (Group A)?
Number of lunch meals needed on Thursday, if virtual learning or distance learning (Group A)?
Number of breakfast meals needed on Friday, if virtual learning or distance learning (Group A)?
Number of lunch meals needed on Friday, if virtual learning or distance learning (Group A)?
Where will you be picking up your meals on Thursday & Friday if virtual learning or distance learning (Group A)?
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