Citizen Science GIS Teacher Academy Registration
Please completely fill in the form below to apply for participation in this teacher workshop.
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Workshop Description
Due to popular demand we are adding a 2nd event! This FREE geospatial technologies workshop held at the University of Central Florida is designed for Florida elementary and middle school teachers of all disciplines who wish to infuse geographic concepts, mapping, drones, and other geospatial technologies into their curriculum in a fun and interactive manner.  The free workshop will be held from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm on Saturday, April 30th at University of Central Florida.  The workshop will include 3-4 hands-on sessions on geospatial technologies, including GIS, mapping and drones, and a preview of the nation's first GeoBus at UCF!

Participants will receive the following as part of their participation in the program: 1) workshop materials; 2) free mapping applications and lesson plans for their classrooms; 3) free snacks; 4) a mini-drone; and 5) GeoBus scheduling priority.  

Any questions, can be directed to Dr. Timothy L. Hawthorne at  All participants must complete the below questions and choose to like/follow Citizen Science GIS on Facebook (citizensciencegis) and Twitter (citizen_gis). Priority registration will close on April 15.  The workshop will be capped at 15-20 teachers.  The workshop will need a minimum of 10 participants to occur. All questions below are required for a complete application to the workshop.  Selection decisions for participation in this free educational workshop will be made by Dr. Hawthorne and applicants will be notified no later than April 22.

*The mini-drone will include a commitment to integrate the drone technology into a lesson with your class (with our team's assistance of course).

This workshop is funded by Citizen Science GIS and GeoBus at UCF.
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Gender *
Name of School Where You Teach *
Please identify which grade level(s) you teach. *
Name of Florida County Where Your School Is Located. *
Please let us know if your school has any of the following: high rate of reduced/free lunches, high percentage of minorities, and/or Title 1 designation. *
Please describe in 1-2 sentences why you wish to attend this teacher workshop? *
Please describe your experience with GIS, mapping, or drones in your classroom.  If none, please say none. *
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that my photos and/or videos may be shared to promote the workshop on UCF media and/or local media and the Citizen Science GIS & GeoBus at UCF social media accounts. *
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