Summer Snacket (2021) Round 3 - The Salty 16
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Welcome to the Summer Snacket

64 Summery Snacks entered. 16 remain. Only 1 can win.

Which is a better snack? Vote to see which snacks move on to Round 4, the Edible Eight.

Round 3 voting will remain open until Saturday, midnight.

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I’m getting ready to return to in person office work and planning a wedding. But you know what is giving me the most anxiety? THE SUMMER SNACKET.
By BabyRuth Bader Ginsburg, Snackpreme Court Justice
Hey Google, play Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Ray. Hey Google, turn off bedroom lights. Hey Google, end this for me.
By Mad Snax: Fury Road, from Baltimore, MD
By Cheese master, from Seattle
I’m filling out the snacket, my husband is out golfing, we’ll see whose self loathing is most peaked today.
By Dutchess of Pretzels, from Chicago
My husband: cheezits win. Me: they’re not in this round. Him: what is even the point then
Well newbies, now you may be seeing some things that you're not quite accustomed to. A brawl over what fried tidbit tastes best, verbal massacre when a hometown favorite is slighted... but what really sticks with you is the guilt. Every revenge vote after your pick loses is just another spin of the viscous cycle that is the Snacket.
By Sir Hungreeee, from Cheeseball Pit North East
I envy all you dairy consuming gods among men. I wish my innards will be strong enough to walk among you and shared in your cheesy heaven.
By Cheese why have you forsaken me, from Cold Cheeseless Hell
Still haven't gotten up the nerve to show the Snacket to the girl I'm dating. Maybe it's a dark secret I carry to my grave.
My disappointment in humanity knows no bounds when it comes to snacket
By Mango lover
My daughter asked how we win the snacket. No one wins baby, we all loose.
By A whole snacc, from Avocado by the bay
I pass the link to every guy I’m in the “talking stages” with. Not only am I contemplating my life choices, but really seeing where they fail at life.
 By Mals, from Iowa
This is by far the hardest Snacket I’ve participated in but also the most educational as I now indulge in trying so many new snacks.
By Mom-Keeper of the snacks & snackatarian, from Lynbrook NY
I’m angry, I’m elated, I’m questioning my childhood….god I love this!
By This is way too much fun
*reads comments while sipping my cherry limeade* Yep. It's going just like I expected.
By Snackie The Original Snackcake, from Canada
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