Animal Rehoming Requests
This form should be used for any requests for owners to rehome their animal to ANT-whether it is donation, lease, etc. 
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Email *
Owner name *
Phone number
Location of animal  *
Animal name *
Breed *
Sex *
Age *
Is your animal up to date on vaccinations? *
Select your animal's temperament from 1 (calm) to 5 (energetic/excitable) *
Does your animal have any health or lameness issues? If so, please describe. *
Tell us about how your animal is currently living and how they are housed most comfortably (stall, paddock, pasture, etc) *
How does your animal get along with others? *
Does your animal have any training? For equines-what riding experience does the equine have and are they still able to be ridden? *
Tell us any other information we might need to know! Please let us know if you are open to leasing and/or donating the animal. *
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