Decatur Branch Library Program time preferences
Please help us plan programs at times that are convenient to you!  The Decatur Branch library is located at 5301 Kentucky Ave
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Do you have a library card?
Do you have children/take care of children?
What age are your children? Select all that apply.
Are your children in school? Select all that apply.
Are you interested in library programs? What types of programs would you like to see offered at the library? This could be for any age group.
What would be the best day and time for you and your child/children to attend a program at the library? You can give more than one option.
What would be the best time for you to attend a program that was just for teens? You can give more than one option.
What would be the best day and time for you to attend a program that was just for adults? You can give more than one option.
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