Parts of an Inch 1
(20 Questions)
Identify the hash marks on an enlarged inch, including halves (1/2), fourths (1/4), eighths (1/8), and sixteenths (1/16).

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From Mr. Anker Tests
Enlarged Inch Ruler
1.  Which fraction is a larger part of an inch? *
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Imatge sense llegenda
2.  Which fraction is a larger part of an inch? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
3.  Which fraction is a smaller portion of an inch? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
4.  Which fraction is equal to 1/2? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
5.  Which fraction is equal to 1/2? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
6.  Which fraction is a larger part of an inch? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
7.  Which fraction is a larger part of an inch? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
8.  Which fraction is equal to 3/4? *
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Imatge sense llegenda
9.  Which fraction is equal to 3/8? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
10.  Which fraction label is missing (A) from this ruler? *
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Imatge sense llegenda
11.  Which fraction label is missing (A) from this ruler? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
12.  Which of these fractions of an inch are the smallest units? *
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Imatge sense llegenda
13.  Which fraction label is missing (A) from this ruler? *
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Imatge sense llegenda
14.  Which of these fractions is equal to 3/4? *
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15.  Which of the comparisons below is true? *
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Imatge sense llegenda
16.  Which of the comparisons below is true? *
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Imatge sense llegenda
17.  Which fraction label is missing (A) from this ruler? *
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Imatge sense llegenda
18.  Which fraction label is missing (A) from this ruler? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
19.  Which fraction label is missing (A) from this ruler? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
20.  Which fraction label is missing (A) from this ruler? *
1 punt
Imatge sense llegenda
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