Ortho/dox Blues Interest Check
Interest-gathering for a potential future Group Buy of the Ortho/dox Blues DSS / DSA keycap set.  

Please see full album of simulated renders and kits here: https://imgur.com/a/cOYHjhG.  
Photographs of color samples and DSS profile can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/zRzPNoC.

If you have any questions about the set, the easiest way to ask them is to join the Ortho/dox Blues Discord: https://discord.gg/Gd8mDvP.

Last Updated: 19 November 2019
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Ortho/dox Blues: Potential Boardwalk Layout (KLE-render)
Ortho/dox Blues color gradient (outdoor lighting)
Here we go!
Thank you for your interest in Ortho/dox Blues.  Please fill out the following short questionnaire to help me gauge interest in the set and its kits.
Are you interested in joining a Group Buy for this keycap set? *
How may I contact you with updates about this interest check? *
Per the last question, please provide the username or email address I can use to contact you.  If you don't wish to be contacted, just type N/A. *
What sort of keyboard layout are you looking to cover? *
What profile do you want to use for your bottom row?  If you want to try out both, select both.
Which of these kits are you interested in? *
The core set will come with support for standard US and UK QWERTY layouts.  Which, if any, of the following localized layouts would you like to be able to purchase?
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