Virtual Book Club
You're invited to join the Shorecrest Virtual Book Club with Upper School faculty member, Ron Heller! In this online community, Shorecrest alumni can connect and enjoy books related to lifelong learning, history, literature, psychology and other user-submitted ideas. There is no cost to participate – you just have to get a copy of the book to enjoy. To join our book club discussion on Thursday, February 11 at 7pm (EST) fill out this form.

Our next book is The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel.

A Zoom link will be shared before the meeting.
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Please fill in your full name in the space below. *
Please fill in your preferred name in the space below. *
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Please enter the email address that you will use to participate in the group. (This email will be shared with members of the group.) *
Please enter the YEAR you graduated from Shorecrest or your affiliation to Shorecrest (parent of alumni, current parent, faculty, etc.) *
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