22/23 Full Season Registration
This form is for the full season Noble School of Ballet program from September 12, 2022 to June 1, 2023. Beginning 1-3, Intermediate 1-3, Jr Adv, Apprentices, and Company dancers use this form.  

Complete this form to register.

If you are a new student or advancing up from Storybook Sessions, pay your registration fee to process your enrollment then print the Card Agreement from our Registration Page and send to 7 Main St, 59901.

And don't worry, as we process your registration, we will review your class choices to make sure your dancer lands in the right spot.
Login ke Google untuk menyimpan progres. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Email *
Dancer's First Name *
Dancer's Last Name *
Date of Birth  xx/xx/xx *
Parents'/Guardians' first and last names *
Mother's/Guardian 1's phone # *
Father's/Guardian 2's phone #
Mailing address *
City, zip *
Emergency contact - first and last name and phone # (if neither parent is available) *
Please explain any medical conditions, allergies, learning considerations or write N/A. *
I release any claims on photos/videos taken of my child/ward while participating in any Noble Dance event, performance, class, etc and agree that Noble Dance has permission to use these photos for promotional purposes. *
How did you learn about Noble Dance?
BEGINNING BALLET once a week options for ages 5 - 9. Choose ONE class time. Beg 2/3 on Thursdays is FULL.
Batalkan pilihan
HOMESCHOOL BALLET once a week options for ages 5 - 10. Choose ONE class time.
Batalkan pilihan
INTERMEDIATE BALLET twice a week options. ALL of these classes are FULL.
Batalkan pilihan
JR ADVANCED options: check all that apply
APPRENTICE options: check 1 or both options.
COMPANY options: check all that apply
Complete your registration. Choose one: *
Registrations are processed in the order they are received. If you don't see your confirmation email from Brandy within 3 BUSINESS days (M-F), check in to make sure your registration isn't lost in cyberspace.
Salinan jawaban Anda akan dikirimkan melalui email ke alamat yang Anda berikan.
Kosongkan formulir
Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
Formulir ini dibuat dalam Nobledance.org. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan