PTO Interest Form
We need you to volunteer! It's EASY to sign-up and there are opportunities that offer minimal time commitments!
Please fill out the below questions to help us find the best fit for you. Also, sign up on the Volunteer Tracker for Caldwell County Schools at this site:
We can't wait to have you join our team!
Email *
Volunteer's Name
Volunteer's Phone Number
Student's Name
Student's Grade
Would you be willing to be a room parent?
(Responsible for classroom parties, sending out requests to classroom parents, work closely with teacher, get volunteers as needed.) Must get a Level 3 on Volunteer Tracker.
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Would you be willing to monitor the lunch room? It requires a Level 3 on Volunteer Tracker. 
What grades would you be comfortable monitoring?
Are you interested in working with small groups of students with flashcards or reading books? It requires a Level 3 on Volunteer Tracker. 
What grades would you be comfortable monitoring?
Are you interested in doing helpful tasks such as:
It requires a Level 3 on Volunteer Tracker. 
Would you be interested in assisting on picture day? - Passing out picture cards to students as they enter to take their picture. Assist filling out forms for students without forms.
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Would you be interested in assisting during Book Fair week? You would assist in the media center as students enter to explore the book fair. You would have multiple times you could pick from.
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Would you be available to donate supplies to school wide events?
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Would you like to join the PTO executive board and attend PTO meetings once a month?
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Would you be available to assist on our beautification day? Trim bushes, trees, put down mulch, etc....
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Are there any other special jobs you could assist with through Hudson Elementary PTO?
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