DNK Onboarding to Discord & Whatsapp

Welcome to the digital nomads Korea!

Our goal is to create a welcoming environment for digital nomads in South Korea. We organize community meetups in Seoul and workation programs throughout the country, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals and discover the best places to work and play. We can't wait to share unforgettable experiences with you and make your stay in Korea truly memorable.

Thank you for your interest, and be sure to check your spam folder in case our message doesn't appear in your inbox.

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Name *
E-mail *
Country *
Gender *
Age *
Job Title *
Have you been to South Korea before? *
How long are you planning to visit/stay in South Korea this year? *
Expected Date of Arrival
Which cities are you interested in visiting? *
How did you hear about us? *
Have you participated in other Nomad communities around the world? *
If so, where have you been?
We run a workation program, a coworking+coliving community trip in South Korea. Are you interested in joining the program?  
Don't miss our Meetups!
Join our weekly meetups in Seoul! You can find all the meetups below: 
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