2024 Innovator Application Form
How do we create or advocate for a healthy, safe, and responsible digital world?
Open for applicants ages 18-25 with bold and unique ideas to address the youth mental health crisis through digital wellbeing and innovative solutions, stories, or advocacy. *This program is held in a remote format.

We will be looking specifically for innovations and advocacy that focuses on how you will address one, or all of, the below:

1. Create a healthy and safe digital world with an emphasis on mental health. (digital wellness, mindfulness, etc.)

2. Advocate through programs or strategies that raise awareness on ways to mitigate the harmful impact of social media and the digital world or maximize the benefits of it. This can include campaigns, educational curricula, legislation, policy, or other.

Example: AI presents more complexity and concerns for our well-being, mental health, and security. Do you have an idea on how can we ensure that we only gain the benefits and decrease the potential harms?

3. Share a narrative or story that creates a healthy, inclusive, and/or responsible digital world.

Prisijungti prie „Google“, kad išsaugotumėte savo progresą. Sužinokite daugiau
El. paštas *
What is your name?
What is your email address?
What is the name of your Team, Concept or Project?
Which category are you applying for? *
You will automatically be added to the General Award if you do not receive one of the specialized ones.
Please provide a complete list of team member names, age, and email addresses.
If an individual application, please type "INDIVIDUAL APPLICANT" in the form below. 
What is your age? (This Challenge is open to youth 18-25)
What is your primary contact phone number?
Current Zip Code
Current State
Current Location (City, State) *
It is strongly recommended that all teams have their captain or one of the co-captains reasonable distance of the San Francisco, CA time zone to best participate in the Innovation Challenge.

*United States Applications Accepted Only
Describe the specific problem you are trying to solve. What is your solution and how does it call for a healthier and/or safer digital world for youth?
Describe your project: include goals and desired impact.
Discuss your project's form/structure and what it will accomplish. 
Explain why you and/or your team are so passionate about the problem and how you're connected to it. Why do we need your proposed solution?
How is your idea unique, innovative, or an improvement upon existing efforts? If you are a storyteller - why this story? Why are you the right person/team to tell it?
We have a youth focused mission - who is your targeted audience? (e.g. Middle School, High School, College, Post College, Adult Allies)
Describe how you expect to execute your proposal. What is your implementation strategy with a timeline and/or distribution plan?
Is this something that can be done on a campus? Can it be done virtually through healthy tech platforms or social media? Is this for a larger user audience?
What skills, past work, or experiences demonstrate you/your team's creative and engaging abilities and strategies for solutions, innovations, and storytelling?
Please include any work that demonstrates your ability. Your past experience is not limited to only this space. Feel free to include links.
You have the opportunity to be awarded up to $2,500 as a reimbursement grant. Please explain how you will use this funding to advance your concept.
What are the major costs associated with your concept? 
Are you submitting additional materials (e.g. images, videos, prototypes, documents) in support of your application?
If yes, please email them to info@lookup.live. Include your TEAM or PROJECT name. 
I/We will attend the Showcase that closes out this cohort in June 2024.
We ask all our innovators to prepare for a final event (remote) where you get to share and showcase your project to our community and LookUp mentors.
I/We will fully participate in and attend LookUp Challenge events, trainings, and workshops the week of January 9th.
I/We will be healthfully communicative with our team, LookUp Staff, LookUp mentors, and other LookUp innovators via email and WhatsApp. 
I/We will are fully prepared to spend a minimum of 1 hour a week engaging in my LookUp project including mentoring, discussions, cohort support, events, etc. ABOVE AND BEYOND the time my team and I will put into developing our concept.
I/We will fully and respectfully attend all meetings with our MENTORS. I understand I/We will attend at least one mentor session a month. 
I/We will fully and respectfully join in the LookUp culture of being available to collaborate and share resources among the cohort. 

*LookUp believes that true success is achieved when we're open to connect, consult, and collaborate with others. #Togetherwethrive 
How and from whom did you hear about the LookUp Challenge? 
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