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2024-25 Title I Survey CCPS
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What grade is your child in?
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Did you receive and sign a copy of the School Parent Compact?
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Were you invited to attend a meeting at your child's school to provide input on the Title I program?
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If so, did you attend a meeting at your child's school to provide input on the Title I program?
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Which of the following would enable you to increase your participation in parent meetings and school activities? (Check all that apply)
Morning meetings (9 am to 12 pm-Monday through Friday)
Immediately after school (Monday through Thursday)
Evening meetings (5:30-7 pm-Monday through Thursday)
Access to information online
Do you know with whom to communicate at your child's school when you have a question or concern?
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How often have you communicated with your child's teachers to discuss your child's progress throughout the year?
Not at all
Quite a bit
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What would be the best way for you to communicate with your child's teachers and/or get information about Title I and other school news/events?
Phone Call
Student Agenda
Text Message
School website
Robo Call
Do you have access to Infinite Campus?
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If so how many times this school year have you accessed Infinite Campus to see your child's grades?
Every 9 Weeks
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Which of the following topics are you interested in finding out more about? (Check all that apply).
Georgia Milestones Assessments
Alternate assessments for students with special needs.
State Academic Standards
Explanation of the curriculum/what my child is learning in class
How to help my child with math
How to access my child's grades
Study and homework tips
How to use technology to help my child
How to help with my own reading skills to help my child
The "Title I, Part A" program
What would help you participate in decision making and the overall academic achievement in your child's school?
More opportunities to share my opinion about school issues
More information on how to get involved
More information about school issues to be addressed
I feel that I have the opportunities to participate in decision making at my child's school.
What parent and family engagement topics would you like developed to become part of our faculty and staff's professional development and learning?
Improving Communication Resources (Understand and appreciate the benefits of two-way communication)
Enhancing Student Learning Resources (Develop strategies to improve homework relevancy and engage families in student learning at home)
Increasing Volunteerism (Identify challenges to effective volunteer experiences and strategize solutions)
Supporting Decision Making and Advocacy (Ensure ALL families, including those with diverse languages and cultures, are supported and recognized for their attributes and leadership)
How do you think the 1% of Title I, Part A, funds reserved for Parental Involvement Activities should be spent?
Your answer
What resources/materials would you like to see included in our parent resource center?
Your answer
We appreciate your participation in this survey and value your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns, please leave your name and contact information so that we can reach you. Thank you, again!
Your answer
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